Are you interested in joining CHEFA or want to know more about us?
STEP 1: Find a CHEFA Information Meeting that works best for you (see list at bottom of page)
STEP 2: Email to let us know you’re coming to the meeting.
STEP 3: After attending a CHEFA Information Meeting a link will be sent to your email so you can register.
CHEFA Membership is $60.00 if paid before Sept. 1st, $80.00 Sept 1st or later in school year.
*Please note: Charter schools fall under the public school authority, therefore students enrolled in a public school charter, cannot be CHEFA members. If you would like information about the differences between homeschooling through a public school charter, and private, independent homeschooling, please feel free to come to our informational meeting. We would love to talk to you! If a family has some children privately homeschooling and some children in a charter or other school, those children not privately homeschooled may attend CHEFA events along with their siblings or with a parent who is running or helping with an event.
Questions? Don’t hesitate to contact us at
CHEFA Information Meetings
February 4, 2025- 7pm Panera – Shaw/Marty. Look for the sign. Please RSVP:
February 18, 2025- 7pm Online. Email for link.
March 4, 2025- 7pm Online. Email for link.
March 18, 20025- 7pm Panera – Shaw/Marty. Look for the sign. Please RSVP:
If you aren’t able to attend any of these meetings, please email and we will try to arrange an alternate time.